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Nike Wmns Air Max 98 Premium Snakeskin Camo

    Kostenloser Versand über 120 Euro weltweit
    Expressversand inklusive Track & Trace
    Vorher bestellt 14h = heute versandt

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Let's go back to the 90s. Then Nike Air Max 95 and Nike Air Max 97 were at the top, an example of perfection. Creating Air Max 98 the sole of the Air Max 97 was used, and the appearance of both models was similar, with only 98 missing graceful AM97 lines. However, the new model of shoes did not gain such popularity, and the price of shoes, which reached as much as $ 150, contributed to this, so they all got to sale.

Inspired by the Air Max 95 color range in 2000, the Air Max 98 was rebuilt. In 2014, this model was released again with the original color range. Unfortunately, the shoes once again were put on sale with a price of just $ 100. In 2016, thanks to Supreme and Nike Air Max 98 collaboration, the AM98 finally gained more attention.

Many says that Air Max 98 boots are on of the most underrated sneakers in history. 2018 was the anniversary of Air Max 98 - the boots celebrated its 20th birthday. Nike invites sneakerheads  to enjoy multicolored, stylish, up-and-coming Nike Air Max 98.

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