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Fila Adrenaline Low

    Kostenloser Versand über 120 Euro weltweit
    Expressversand inklusive Track & Trace
    Vorher bestellt 14h = heute versandt

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In 1972 Fila's first outerwear collection debuted, now well known as the legendary White Line collection. This collection was exemplary, provocative, unconventional and broke all the standards of the time. Everyone made simple white tennis clothes, and Fila's designers overtook everyone with their ingenuity, not being afraid to decorate white clothes with eye-catching logos and designs. The White Line Collection was astonishingly surprising throughout the world, and Fila became the trademark of both an athlete and a cosmopolitan person who always understands the latest and most daring fashion trends. The collection marked not only Fila, but also an entirely new era of the sportswear industry. Classic does not have to be conservative, and a durable design can still be contemporary. In 1986, Italian climber Reinhold Messner reached the peak of Everest without additional oxygen, wearing high-tech mountain equipment developed by Fila. However, he still had not had enough and he decided to reach another 13 Himalayan peaks. Becoming one of the best and bravest climbers in the world, he helped Phil F-Box logo and Fila to become iconic and recognizable around the world. Fila slid down the slopes with Ingemar Stenmark skier in his pursuit of his 86th World title, and adorned Tom Watson at the British Open Golf Championships. Fila ran the cold Italian trails with Albert Tomba, and arched triumphant on the shoulders of Monica Seles and Guillermo Vilas. Fila was also together with Svetlana Kuznetsova, when in 2009 she won the French Open tennis tournament. Fila has even reached Kenya, a country where children, despite the dirty stony roads, barefoot and with a smile on their faces, runs marathons. The fields serving as running tracks for them. Kenya's athletes simply broke into the world's sports elite, and Fila contributed to the development of talent for ordinary people. Fila, even today in the 21st century, still supports talented people and gives them the opportunity to express themselves. Fila has become a strong brand and has collaborated with many professional athletes from all over the world, thanks to which Fila has continued to evolve to this day. Fila uses the highest quality fabrics for maximum flexibility and comfort. Fila is style and quality!

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  • Weltweite Lieferung innerhalb von 1-5 Werktagen
  • 30 Tage kostenloses Rückgaberecht
  • Verpackt in einer Doppelbox
  • Originale Marken