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Nike Kyrie 6 Shutter Shades

    Kostenloser Versand über 120 Euro weltweit
    Expressversand inklusive Track & Trace
    Vorher bestellt 14h = heute versandt

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The Nike Kyrie series of basketball shoes has always had its own characteristics that makes it so notable - creativity, open collaborations and storytelling. Sixth in the line, the Nike Kyrie 6 does not go astray and continues to bring culorful Irving's personality to the fore. Irving's sixth model of shoes is reminiscent of a colorful mosaic in which each detail has its own role and special significance. Nike designers, together with the basketball player, managed to bring together well-functioning elements from earlier models of the series, significant characters from basketball player’s life and the latest technology. All decisions were made thinking about dynamic Kyrie’s game, which often resembles a performance full of colorful phases. Designer Benjamin Nethongkome, who has worked with Nike Kyrie shoes for the third time, said he has found a successful formula for Kyrie shoes during this time. It has three key accents - soft tongue and collar, mid-foot anchorage and colorful styling details reminiscent of the shoes from Nike Skateboarding series. The Nike Kyrie 6 basketball shoes provide a solid, 360-degree grip, while the 5-millimeter dropped sole enables to feel the court. The cushions are complemented by a midfoot strap that will perform the foot anchoring function. The unique style of the shoes will be highlighted by mystical elements inspired by Egyptian and Kyrie's personal life. The sole of the shoe is adorned with an all-seeing eye, and the heel is covered with the symbol of the Hamsa hand.

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