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Jordan Why Not Zer0.2 GS Cotton Shot

    Kostenloser Versand über 120 Euro weltweit
    Expressversand inklusive Track & Trace
    Vorher bestellt 14h = heute versandt

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The Jordan company launched good news at the very start of 2019 - the second Russell Westbrook basketball shoes Jordan Why Not Zer0.2 unveiled.

"Every colorway of the shoes will have a meaning that is special to me. With Why Not Zer0.2, I want to take storytelling to another level” - Westbrook said.

Sneakers have many personalized details of the NBA star life - a sole decorated with a pattern that symbolizes Westbrook's number 0, also this part of the shoe has a perfect strike diagriam for one of the favorite off-court activities, bowling.

The left shoe's heel heel is complemented by a tag that shows the palette of all colors used. This outer part will also be used in other Jordan Why Not Zer0.2 versions - to thank for the closest people, family, and fans. In the inner part of the tongue one of the personal details attached - crest of the family.

Another important detail for the basketball player is the block in the midsole designed to honor the best friend of Russell Westbrook, Khelcey Barrs III, who died at the age of 16.

"It has become a tradition for me to honor Khelcey with my shoes and write down KBIII on them. Each of the versions of WhyNotZer0.2 will have a special place for this. I want people who will wear my shoes to understand that it's important to play with a goal bigger than you. ”- said the NBA star.

Russell Westbrook said that the Jordan team did not seek to build the shoes according to the prevailing trends, but emphasized the needs of the basketball player and followed his style of play.

"Here's what is Why Not? mentality is: be and trust yourself no matter what others think." - The Thunder star spoke about his nominal series.

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