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Air Jordan 4 Retro WNTR Loyal Blue

    Kostenloser Versand über 120 Euro weltweit
    Expressversand inklusive Track & Trace
    Vorher bestellt 14h = heute versandt

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Air Jordan IV first appeared in 1989 when designer Tinker Hatfield was hit by a lot of enthusiasm and a storm of ideas, creating a fourth nominal model of Michael Jordan's shoes. Tinker tried to create even better sneakers than the first three ones. Air Jordan IV is the first model on the Jordan line with mesh inserts. Interestingly, the designer integrated the mesh into a soft plastic layer when testing the shoes and blown the air out to clear the plastic layer in the gaps. In this way effective air permeability was achieved. During his debut in 1989, Air Jordan IV was not a favorite, most people said they were ugly. Nevertheless, over time, Air Jordan IV has grown their popularity. One of the sneakers features has helped to grow fans sympathy - due to the extra holes Air Jordan IV can be laced up to 18 different ways, creating unique style details. It can be said that the Air Jordan IV model was created with a dashing character that encourages returning to work because, in the same year as the shoes were released, for the first time, Michael Jordan became a father and husband and did not stop his hard work on the court. Wearing these shoes, Michael Jordan had many memorable achievements in his career: recorded 32.5 points average per match, played in the NBA All-Star match, won his first NBA team title and won the Best Guard Award. Another noteworthy moment in the history of Air Jordan IV is the performance in "Do The Right Thing" movie directed by Spike Lee. Later, Spike Lee worked with Michael Jordan again and created a promotional ad for Air Jordan IV called "Can / Can't." Talking about design, the Air Jordan IV has an uniquely created heel with an integrated airbag that is visible through a small "window". The straps on the sides are sometimes called as "wings", and their tops can be used to lace shoes and to choose the most comfortable lacing position. The most recognizable design element of Air Jordan IV is the large Nike Air logo on the heel, which in 1999, when the company started releasing retro version, were changed to the Jumpan logo.

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