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Jordan Why Not? Zer0.3 SE

    Kostenloser Versand über 120 Euro weltweit
    Expressversand inklusive Track & Trace
    Vorher bestellt 14h = heute versandt

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Jordan brand kicked off the 2020 with fresh and hot news - the third silhouette of Russell Westbrook signature basketball shoes released in January. Jordan Why Not? Zer0.3 aims to give the basketball player more freedom on the court and create new opportunities to realize boundless creativity. What news were brought by the third silhouette of the NBA star series? First off, these are the lightest Russell Westbrook's shoes. This was one of his requirements for Jordan designers. Reduced number of layers and lowered collar solved this. Also, the shoes will have a thinner sole, which will put the foot in a lower position than the previous model. This upgrade will help further express explosive movement. Why Not? The Zer0.3 basketball shoes have the largest Zoom Air unit in the series. It will be covered by horizontal grooves designed for higher speeds in fast breaks. Outsole is constructed of two parts that was inspired by one of Westbrook's favorite model, the Air Jordan XXVIII. The upper part is complemented by a strap that will not only contain the feet but also become an expressive style detail. Why Not? The Zer0 Series is renowned for storytelling and for its colorful and vivid style - just like the basketball player himself. To reach the heights, Russell Westbrook has had to face many life challenges and wants to pass on his experience to the younger generation he has a special faith in. “Shoes represents more than just me. They tell about the hope, the inspiration, the confidence I want to pass on to the youth,” the NBA star said.

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