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Nike LeBron XVI Low Hyper Jade

    Kostenloser Versand über 120 Euro weltweit
    Expressversand inklusive Track & Trace
    Vorher bestellt 14h = heute versandt

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LeBron James is probably the most explosive player in today's basketball player who is hard to stop. Impressive body, muscle mass, height and beastly speed - all of these elements make this player a real basketball phenomenon.

Designer Jason Patrie, and all of Nike's team working with him had to pay attention to impressive James's physical strength and body while looking for ways to improve his work of his feet on the square, with every new model of the nominal shoes series. The Nike LeBron 16 basketball shoes were created with the goal of releasing the versatility of LeBron and providing comprehensive protection.

Basketball shoes present Battleknit 2.0 technology - this is an improved version of Flyknit, which features its strength and fix the foot, which is extremely important for this type of player playing very intensively on the court. For Battleknit 2.0 used new knitting machines to insert an extra layer of yarn to provide stronger support on the lateral of the shoes.

"The Nike team working with Battleknit 2.0 is a geniuses," says Jason Petrie. "I do not often use this word. They are mathematical artists and have created a new knit which is strong enough to fix LeBron's feet, and has also successfully reduced unnecessary layers that could slow him down."

An important change was also in the part of the collar, which was cut lower to the LeBron 16 model. "The first thing I wanted from a boot is a lower collar. I want to move faster on the court, to be closer to the ground and to be more dynamic," LeBron said.

A lot of work was also done on the boot sole - an attempt to further refine the Max Air platform, which LeBron was particularly pleased with in its previous model of series. In the front part of the body, the thread joining the pillows underneath the fingers was removed, and instead included an outrigger to create some additional support.

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