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Air Jordan 6 Retro

    Kostenloser Versand über 120 Euro weltweit
    Expressversand inklusive Track & Trace
    Vorher bestellt 14h = heute versandt

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Air Jordan VI was first introduced in 1991. Michael Jordan won his very first NBA title and the first MVP nomination wearing these. These exceptional facts undoubtedly add value to some of the most popular sneakers on the Air Jordan line, and sometimes Air Jordan 6 is simply described as "good luck" shoes. In the process of Air Jordan VI creation, Michael Jordan asked for designer create a smooth surface in front of the finger area. So, the designer Tinker Hatfield made sure that Air Jordan VI had a reinforcement and a smooth surface on the front of the boot. In response to Michael's complaints that he had had trouble with his last five Air Jordan shoes on their feet, Tinker integrated two holes at the top of the tongue and a loop at the end of the shoe, making it easier for the shoes to put on and off. It is worth mention that the top of the tongue and the loop on the heel are made from rubber, and inspiration for them was born when looking at the sports cars. Air Jordan VI was the second model of shoes that had a transparent rubber sole. When designing Air Jordan VI sole, Tinker Hatfield took note of complaints against Air Jordan V when people complained that their children are constantly falling due to the fact that the footwear duo to dust loses grip and slips. Thus, the Air Jordan VI sole was made of harder and tougher rubber. The Jumpman logo is embedded on its own sole. Sole features transparent details and a visible airbag. Michael wanted a comfortable part of the heel to help protect the achilles tendon, so Air Jordan VI has the heel of the shoe padded inside. Currently, these shoes are for leisure. The Air Jordan 6 lacing system is practical because it has detail that tighten laces at the top, while providing style. Under the laces, the neoprene layer is pierced with small holes, just like the sides of the shoes, which help to ensure good air permeability. Looking at the design side, Air Jordan 6 boasts a flawless combination of sleek and aggressive looks, simplicity and aesthetics.

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