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Air Jordan Retro 9 Dream It Do It

    Kostenloser Versand über 120 Euro weltweit
    Expressversand inklusive Track & Trace
    Vorher bestellt 14h = heute versandt

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After three consecutive NBA championships in 1991-1993, Michael Jordan turned to baseball, but the basketball was not forgotten - the eternal legacy of MJ was expressed in Air Jordan IX.

The shoes were released in 1994, but the creative process started earlier - Tinker Hatfield and Nike made their first sketches since the 1992/1993 season. Michael Jordan's trip to Asia has also contributed to the final process, with Japanese design details appearing in shoes, for example motive of rising sun.

„Air Jordan IX represents the global spread of the Air Jordan brand. Everyone wanted to be like Jordan. Take a look at the shoes outsoles - their design was complemented by words from different parts of the world that describe Michael Jordan's athlete's spirit and what he did for the world of sport" - Tinker Hatfield said.

The designer was looking for ways to update the series - the idea that the outer soles of the shoes should tell the story of an international basketball. Soles are decorated with words in the Sahili, Russian, German, Italian, French and Spanish languages, which means independence, freedom, sport, athletic, hope, intense, graceful, force, dedicated.

Once asked what shoes should be on the foot of Michael Jordan's statue in front of United Center arena in Chicago, Tinker Hatfield said it should be Air Jordan IX because they "represent Jordan as a global superstar."

Air Jordan IX sneakers represents the famous Dream It, Do It slogan and has a comfortable inner sock, a sole filled with Air units and a polyurethane midsole.

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