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Nike Air Max 90 20

    Kostenloser Versand über 120 Euro weltweit
    Expressversand inklusive Track & Trace
    Vorher bestellt 14h = heute versandt

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Born in the 1987 Air Max series still remains one of the largest Nike flagships. Beginning as an experiment, the project has become one of the most prominent street style attributes in the world - over the years Air Max has developed and improved, but at the same time it has retained classic accents. Nike has released several hybrid shoes in its history and this has become a common practice - experimenting and testing something new is always worth it! One of the first projects was the release of the Air Max 1 Retro shoes in 1992, which united the upper of Air Max 1 and Air Max sole. Then, the world saw just a few thousand pairs of this hybrid. In 2018, Nike decided to cheer on leisure shoes lovers, and combined classic Air Max 90 with one of the most prominent spotlights of these days - Air Max 1. The upper part consists of Air Max 1 and the sole builded by Air Max 90 design. What is the result of this collaboration? Modern leisure shoes with a solid classic spice!

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FedEx – 12,00 Eur;
Litauische Post – 12,00 Eur;

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  • Weltweite Lieferung innerhalb von 1-5 Werktagen
  • 30 Tage kostenloses Rückgaberecht
  • Verpackt in einer Doppelbox
  • Originale Marken