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Nike Odyssey React

    Kostenloser Versand über 120 Euro weltweit
    Expressversand inklusive Track & Trace
    Vorher bestellt 14h = heute versandt

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The Nike Odyssey React is designed to make running even more enjoyable - even doing it often or hitting long distances. Running shoes are versatile - they can be selected for both short and long distances.

The upper part of the boots is made of durable and impenetrable jacquard fabric and provides foot breathing and fixation. Also, the construction is supplemented with a soft collar that hugs the ankle and provides comfort.

A sole is made of extremely soft React foam will ensure bouncy run and take care of shocks and energy recovery even during long runs. The more energy you use, the more React will return back.

React foam is extremely durable - it has been tested by runners such as Galen Rupp, and even after many kilometres it will remain unchanged and will not lose its most important qualities.

The sole at the rear of the boot is slightly bent, which reduces the load on those who pushes back with the rear part of the foot.

Lieferung in andere Länder:
Wir versenden die Ware per internationalem FedEx-Kurier. Die Lieferzeit beträgt je nach dem ausgewählten Land 2 bis 7 Tage.

Lieferpreise in andere Länder:
FedEx – 12,00 Eur;
Litauische Post – 12,00 Eur;

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Sie können die Ware mit VISA-Kredit- und Debitkarte, MasterCard sowie Maestro bezahlen.

  • Weltweite Lieferung innerhalb von 1-5 Werktagen
  • 30 Tage kostenloses Rückgaberecht
  • Verpackt in einer Doppelbox
  • Originale Marken