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Nike Zoom Freak 1 Multi What The

    Kostenloser Versand über 120 Euro weltweit
    Expressversand inklusive Track & Trace
    Vorher bestellt 14h = heute versandt

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Nike Zoom Freak 1 is the first nominal basketball shoes for the Milwaukee Bucks monster Giannis Antetokounmpo. 2019 is a particularly memorable year for the Greek basketball player. Full dominance in the league during the regular season, Conference finals with the Bucks team and the season's MVP title. To all these victories on the court, we can also add join to the most famous athletes who have a nominal set of shoes. Nike has put a lot of creative efforts into making Antetokounmpo shoes exceptional - just like the basketball player himself. The title of the series was dictated by the famous Greek Freak nickname, which was born from physical possibilities and the usual boundaries breaking Antetokounmpo style of playing. The family has always been the most important thing in Giannis life, so much attention has been devoted to this in the creation process of the shoes. On the inner side of the midsole we find the names of the players parents - Charles + Veronica. Giannis father, Charles, left the world of the living in 2017, and it became a great shock to the whole family and at the same desire to work harder for his dreams. Specially for the dad, there is an inscription on the soles of the boots - "I Am My Father's Legacy". When taking the MVP award, the basketball player said that each time he went to the pitch, he thought about his dad and it pushed him to play even harder, despite the pain or fatigue. Another detail dedicated to the father's remembrance is a rose pattern soles. It is a symbol of Greek tradition when flowers are kept for some time after the death of a close person. The details of the Greek culture are also included in the Giannis logo on the heel - it combines the basketballer's number 34 and the contours of the Greek flag. Giannis Antetokounmpo has four brothers and all of them are like a fist and always pushing each other forward since the very start. The heel is adorned by the names of all four NBA star brothers - Francis, Thanasis, Kostas and Alex. Nike has been able to use this special brother's relationship creatively and combine it with the technical features of the boots - the front part of the foot is secured by four special straps connected with laces, which symbolize a strong bond between the brothers. Exceptionally powerful and intense Giannis game is also reflected in the expressive style of the shoes, which is particularly highlighted by the twisted Nike swoosh, which has become part of the outer sole. During the creation of Nike Zoom Freak 1 kicks designers also looked at Kobe Bryant and Kyrie Irving series. They were working hard for shoes to provide maximum foot anchoring and grip on the floor – these are the key features of the shoe for such aggressive and fast basketball player like Giannis Antetokounmpo.

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