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Nike Air Zoom SuperRep

    Kostenloser Versand über 120 Euro weltweit
    Expressversand inklusive Track & Trace
    Vorher bestellt 14h = heute versandt

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As fitness continues to grow, Nike is keeping in mind this type of training enthusiasts and dedicates Nike Air Zoom Superrep silhouette to the high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to them. The Nike Air Zoom Superrep has been specifically designed to perform intense different types of exercise - cardio, HIIT, kickboxing, boot camp and more. The shoe has a chunky outsole made up of two parts - a front that has two Zoom Air cushion units, which will take care of your feet during the jumps, and a Cushlon foam at the back to absorb shock. Split in the middle of the outsole that enables you to move freely in all directions and do exercises. The "arches" on the front of the shoe will help keep your feet in a stable position. The soft construction of the upper, covered by a thin mesh, will give you a comfortable feel - this "duo" will wrap your feet and keep them in a stable position during an intense workout. There is also a motivational reminder on the shoes - REP.SWEAT.REPEAT, repeated three times. These three words convey the essence of intense training - the high number of exercises and the greatest number of repetitions. Turns on your beast mode, and then you end up enjoying the results of your efforts!

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Wir versenden die Ware per internationalem FedEx-Kurier. Die Lieferzeit beträgt je nach dem ausgewählten Land 2 bis 7 Tage.

Lieferpreise in andere Länder:
FedEx – 12,00 Eur;
Litauische Post – 12,00 Eur;

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  • Weltweite Lieferung innerhalb von 1-5 Werktagen
  • 30 Tage kostenloses Rückgaberecht
  • Verpackt in einer Doppelbox
  • Originale Marken