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Nike Alphadunk Pure Magic

    Kostenloser Versand über 120 Euro weltweit
    Expressversand inklusive Track & Trace
    Vorher bestellt 14h = heute versandt

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Created in 2008, the Nike Hyperdunk basketball shoes series has created many memorable moments of over 10-year history and has left a significant mark. We can still catch Hyperdunk kicks on basketball courts and this is probably not the end. Nike, which introduced the Nike AlphaDunk model, was not going to lose sight of its most prominent basketball series - with this model, a new story was launched, but it was built on the basis of Hyperdunk series. Key elements were borrowed - the essential features of the AlphaDunk will be controlled by the Zoom Air unit and Flyknit upper. Nike AlphaDunk has been introduced as a sneaker designed for players who want to rise high and use their physical abilities with powerful dunks. “The AlphaDunk began from a study in jump height. We began to consider what would happen if we bring our most responsive technology, Zoom Air, to the entire forefoot to cover the full motion of a jump, from load to launch. What could it do?’’ says Ross Klein, Senior Creative Design Director for Nike Basketball. Basketball shoes were designed to allow the basketball player to make the most of their jump and gain an advantage over defenders in the air. Highest ever Zoom Air pillow will create the conditions for springing and flight. Nike AlphaDunk basketball shoes made their debut with four colorways, some of them were even dedicated to some of the most famous dunks of all time. Decorated in US colors, AlphaDunk reminded us of Vince Carter's leap over the French national team's center Frederic Weis at the 2000 Olympics. The black and blue palette boots were designed to honor one of the most memorable performances - the Aaron Gordon show at the 2016 All-Star Weekend’s Dunk Contest.

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  • 30 Tage kostenloses Rückgaberecht
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