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Nike Kyrie 5 X Bandulu Embroidered Splatters

    Kostenloser Versand über 120 Euro weltweit
    Expressversand inklusive Track & Trace
    Vorher bestellt 14h = heute versandt

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Kyrie Irving has already known not only for the magical game on the court, but also for the exclusive versions of his shoes and their stories, so it's not surprising that with Nike Kyrie 5 everyone is waiting for new stories!

The basketball player himself claims that the creative team of Nike has done a great job and the new series of shoes is a sure step in the right direction. "The impressive progress has been made since the first shoes of series o," said Irving, who wanted to keep up with the creative process and tried to make shoes not just shoes, but a reflection of his personality. "I became more connected with the outside world and with what is happening around. In the past, I was just concerned about the shoes release and looking good. Now I want them to be created based on what I am. "

The most important thing for the Nike Kyrie 5 is the improved Air Zoom Turbo pillows that will cover the bottom and the sides of the foot. It will help a basketball player who promotes a fast and sharp game style.

The jubilee model of the series also updated the containment system, inspired by an exotic plant - a Venus Flytrap. The Flywire is positioned so that the foot is directed to the Air Zoom pillow block, thus enhancing their response and amortization. "The goal was to make it look beautiful, create comfort and contain feet," says Benjamin Nethongkome, the main designer of Nike Kyrie 5.

The Nike Kyrie 5 has an unseen shoe sole that was inspired by Irving himself. "The grip system in the shoes is created using mysterious shapes. Have you seen Hamsa's tattoo on the left arm of Kyrie? For him, it is a symbol of protection that protects against evil things, and it has become a source of inspiration for shaping the outsole. Kyrie wants to have more than a basketball shoes and allows us to express his spirit "- said the designer.

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