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Nike Wmns Air Zoom Pegasus 34


    Kostenloser Versand über 120 Euro weltweit
    Expressversand inklusive Track & Trace
    Vorher bestellt 14h = heute versandt

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The Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 34 is a jack of all trades type of shoe, designed to please many runners at a reasonable price. This is already 34 model of Nike Pegasus running shoes and it’s so rare to see a line of shoes that goes back this far in time (this is by far, the longest continuing running shoe series (excluding retro releases) in the history of the footwear industry), which means that Nike found something that hits a sweet spot with runners. This line of shoes came from the idea that there should be an affordable shoe for runners that remains durable and comfortable and have quality components. It doesn’t feature all the cutting edge tech found in more expensive Nike shoes like the LunarEpic Flyknits, or the absurd ground breaking designs of the Zoom VaporFly Elites. The shoe just is there to give you the tried and tested tech that Nike has to offer right now.

So what makes the Pegasus so special? But that’s asking the wrong question. The Pegasus isn’t special in any way, and that’s perhaps its greatest strength. The Pegasus is the footwear is like everyone's comfort zone. It is just nice to go back and stay. You always know that you can trust on these shoes and they will not disappoint you. And to be hosnest if you compare the last five models of Pegasus sneakers you will not see any clearly visible difference. Yes, some of them has softer upper liar, some of them has firm sole or more breathable. But to sum up it just a good running sneakers which is just good at what he was created.

Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 34 running sneakers are recommend for medium and lond distance.

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  • 30 Tage kostenloses Rückgaberecht
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