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Nike WMNS Lunar Skyelux


    Kostenloser Versand über 120 Euro weltweit
    Expressversand inklusive Track & Trace
    Vorher bestellt 14h = heute versandt

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"Run beyond your limits" it is a slogan of the new Nike running sneakers family member - Lunar Skyelux. And it looks like you really can run without any limits with these shoes. Let's look closely and see why these sneakers are so special.

First of all is the next innovation in Lunar technology. In some website you can find that it is called as Duolon. It uses a dua-density foam that’s strategically placed throughout the sole of the shoe accompanied by the engineered pods placed on the outsole to absorb the impact while simultaneously providing a plush feel and comfortable ride. Also the soft dual-density Lunar midsole conforms to the shape of your foot providing a more naturally comfortable fit. Pushing your limits will be an easier task thanks to the responsiveness of the outsole. Strategically placed engineered pods help absorb impact. Thats the reason why these sneakers are one of the most cushioning model, which you can find right now in a stores. Plus, it delivers decent arch support, great comfort, and the style that can readily turn heads on the road.

Nike Lunar Skyelux are recommended for every day uses and for medium length distance.

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Wir versenden die Ware per internationalem FedEx-Kurier. Die Lieferzeit beträgt je nach dem ausgewählten Land 2 bis 7 Tage.

Lieferpreise in andere Länder:
FedEx – 12,00 Eur;
Litauische Post – 12,00 Eur;

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  • Weltweite Lieferung innerhalb von 1-5 Werktagen
  • 30 Tage kostenloses Rückgaberecht
  • Verpackt in einer Doppelbox
  • Originale Marken